Approach to Media Monitoring: Governance Conflicts in Nepali Federal Context

Media monitoring plays a vital role within GMC Nepal, serving as an integral component of the operations. Its primary focus lies in gathering publicly available information related to governance conflicts. In the past, media monitoring was a labor-intensive task that involved manual searches for articles on specific topics, followed by cutting and pasting them into a designated clipbook. However, in recent days, media monitoring has become significantly streamlined with archival availabilities granted by media sources through digital platforms. 

For this specific research project, data recorded under media monitoring initiative is gathered through secondary sources of data collection. A dedicated team of five researchers are responsible for reviewing five media outlets daily. To ensure the accuracy and integrity of the sources, each relevant news piece is further meticulously sourced and recorded into a separate Word file.

Moreover, the qualitative data gathered from the media are subsequently transformed into quantitative data for analysis. This conversion process enables us to organize, clean, interpret, analyze and visualize the data more effectively.